Ametek M24742RS35EXDCA Pressure Transmitter NSN:6685-01-397-1923
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Pressure Transmitter
NSN: 6685-01-397-1923 | Model: M24742RS35EXDCA
An instrument that senses, measures and converts pressure of a gas or fluid into electrical signals to be displayed in pounds per square inch (psi) or the equivalent. The item contains an input pressure port, electrical output connection and may include an output pressure port. See also transducer, motional pickup for items with a linear motional input and electrical output to be displayed in other than psi or the equivalent.
NSN Properties and Flags
NATO Stock Number
Measurement Range
+0.0/+200.0 pounds pressure per square inch
This product is only available upon request. Contact us by e-mail or by filling out the form below for a quote.