Philips 6015 HeadLamp Bulb NSN:6240-00-752-2424
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Incandescent Lamp
NSN: 6240-00-752-2424 | Model: 6015
An item whose principal purpose is to produce light from a glowing filamen (s) . It includes metal backed and reflecting types, seal beam and flood types. It may include an integral filament shield to control and/or modify its illumination pattern.
NSN Properties and Flags
NATO Stock Number
Overall Length
5.250 inches
Filament Designation
Light Output Rating
32.000 beam candlepower single rating and 50.000 beam candlepower single rating
Average Life Rating In Hours
Filament Heavy Duty Service Rating
Not rated
End Application
Pw/s: aircraft, t-39; fire pumps; truck, fire/crash p2; tarawa class lha; forrestal class cv; chassis, truck (tss); shipboard material handling equipment (mhe); nimitz class cvn; wasp class lhd; truck, fire/crash p-10
Emitted Light Characteristic
Voltage Rating
12.800 volts and 12.800 volts
Wattage Rating
60.000 watts and 60.000 watts
Features Provided
Filament shielding
Base Style
Three contact lugs
Bulb Style
Par (parabolic, aluminized reflector)
Bulb Designator
Bulb Light Transmission Characteristic
Light Intensity Distribution Feature
Parabolic reflector
Current Rating For Which Designed
4.200 amperes and 4.970 amperes
Rated Average Life
Burning Position
Any acceptable
Special Features
500.000 hrs second filament average life rating
Specification Data
08108-6015 manufacturers standard