Tyco Signal Data Converter NSN:6625-01-201-6811 P/N:253-THZU-PQFA-AN Model:9-602790-03
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Signal Data Converter
NSN: 6625-01-201-6811 | Model: 9-602790-03
An electronic device which converts a data modulated signal of one form to a data modulated signal of another form.
NSN Properties and Flags
NATO Stock Number
Yes - ITAR Controlled
Overall Length
2.960 inches
Overall Height
4.400 inches
Overall Width
2.870 inches
Environmental Protection
Dust proof
Operating Tempurature Range
+0.0/+60.0 degrees celsius
Average Life Measurement
Not rated
End Application
Safeguard class ars, Hayes class t-ag 195, victorious class t-agos 19
Basic Shape Style
Rectangular or square
Inclosure Type
Operating Control Method
Installation Design
Control Type
Circuit Construction Type
Solid state
Frequency Per Channel
55.0 hertz input channel and 65.0 hertz input channel
Frequency Adjustment Type
Overall Gain
120.0 volts
Impedance Rating Per Channel
10.000 kilohms output channel
Signal Data Type Per Channel
Input channel radio frequency
Connection Type And Location
Binding post top
Operating Ac Frequency In Hertz
60.0 single voltage
Connection Contact Type And Quantity
16 binding post external
Criticality Code Justification
Special Features
Weapon system essential